Home Cafe Chronicles Woman Loses 140 Pounds, Ends Up Needing Surgery In Foreign Hospital

Woman Loses 140 Pounds, Ends Up Needing Surgery In Foreign Hospital


Millions of people worldwide struggle with their weight. It’s no secret that losing weight can be extremely challenging. Other than counting calories or following a strict diet, successful weight loss is about creating sustainable habits that fit your lifestyle. But 39-year-old Carlie Line‘s weight loss journey turned into a living nightmare after she lost ten stone (140 lbs).

Carlie’s Story

After years of struggling with her weight, Carlie was diagnosed as morbidly obese. This diagnosis took a toll on her mental health. Carlie could hardly leave the house for fear that someone would make comments about her appearance.

“I was overweight as a child and into adulthood. My weight would go up and down, but I could never drop below 18 stone. I wasn’t living, I was surviving. I could barely care for my daughter,” she said.

“I worked but had to sit down most of the day. The doctor noticed how hard I would try to lose weight and decided – because I had Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease – it was best for me to have a gastric bypass.”

Before the surgery, Carli managed to shed four stone (56lbs) and a further six stone (84lbs) afterward. But after losing so much weight, she was left with excess loose skin that made her feel self-conscious

She said, “You make progress in your life, and then you end up back at square one. I looked like a deflated balloon. It was also uncomfortable and looked awful in clothes.”


“I gained so much confidence from losing the weight but still couldn’t do the things I wanted to, like put on a bikini and jump in a pool. So I decided on skin removal surgery.” But she soon discovered that clinics in London charged £17,000 for a single surgery, so she decided to look for a better deal online. That was when she found the Nordesthetics Clinic in Lithuania.

Carlie spent around £10,000 on a full body lift, a breast reduction and an arm lift. According to Carlie, her friends and acquaintances hardly recognize her on the street. She said, “They literally don’t know who I am anymore. I have been told that I have lost weight, and I look just like my mother.”

“And she’s beautiful, so I will take that as the biggest compliment. It’s been such a ride, I feel so different now.”

The Mirror: ‘I ended up in a foreign hospital after losing 10stone’
Gloucestershire Live: ‘I found a way to lose 10stone but it left me needing surgery’