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How To Successfully Navigate The Joys And Pains Of Romantic Relationships


Romantic relationships have proved time and time again that they can be a source of deep joy as well as a real pain to navigate. After spending hours conversing with couple counselors, sex therapists, and researchers, here are some of the most helpful advice for those looking to wade through the deep waters that is a healthy romantic relationship.

The Art of Saying Sorry

Apologizing is critical if one is to have a healthy relationship. Behold, six easy steps to doing so:

  1. Always start with a simple “I apologize” or “I’m sorry.”
  2. Explain the reason why you’re sorry.
  3. Acknowledge any harm your actions or words may have caused.
  4. If possible, always vow not to repeat it.
  5. Offer actually to try to repair the situation.
  6. Show your desire for forgiveness through thoughtful actions.

Embrace Awkward Intimacy Talks

Nurturing intimacy is a huge part of what keeps a romantic relationship afloat. One way to do this is by keeping an open channel regarding physical intimacy. Talking about intimacy can be uncomfortable, but it’s crucial. Jeffrey Chernin, a therapist, encourages anticipating the awkwardness that usually comes with this topic. “We’ve been tricked into believing physical intimacy is natural,” says Cyndi Darnell, another therapist. There are complex corners of this topic that demand clear conversations to navigate, and the best way to do so is through open discussion.

Financial Issues

Sorting out financial issues is always at the core of many romantic relationships. As such, discussions around money are always around the corner. Most people will agree that financial topics can be painful. But instead of trying to downplay or outright avoid them, having positive, more playful conversations about money is better.

Collaborate on Health Issues

Health issues are common in every relationship. The problem comes when a partner ignores a health concern, which later sprouts more significant problems for everyone involved. Using affection and calmly communicating to address the issue is critical to cutting the problem at its root. Asking about a partner’s health anxieties and offering specific ways to assist, like suggesting healthy physical activities or scheduling appointments, are always welcome.

Effective Communication

Clear communication is vital. Most relationship experts insist on having open and honest dialog with partners. Active listening and summarizing a partner’s statements can ensure understanding. Good communication can also result in emotional literacy, the foundation of a solid relationship. Organizing and clearly articulating one’s feelings can help harsh out any bad blood before it festers and causes irreparable damage. Use “I feel” statements to foster clarity and reduce misunderstandings. Good communication can also offer avenues for proper conflict resolution.


The New York Times: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/07/03/well/family/best-relationship-advice.html

Fatherhood Channel: https://fatherhoodchannel.com/2024/07/12/best-relationship-advice-for-couples/


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