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Awkward First Date Comes To An Abrupt End, Woman Is Left Wondering If There Will Be A Second Date


First dates can be stressful, especially once it’s over and you wonder if the other person enjoyed it as much as you did. But what can you do when you learn that the other person didn’t perceive the first date as a success? One woman has taken to the internet for advice regarding this issue.

The First Date

The woman, KookyUmberQuoter, posted her story on Mumsnet, stating, “I went on a first date with a guy from an app 5 days ago. Date lasted around 2 hours, it was a walk in the park (literally, not figuratively!) and I made sure I had an easy out.

The man seemed nervous at first but seemed to warm up as the date ran its course. The woman wrote, “It wasn’t flirty, but I’m someone who needs time to warm up. We had a great chat, made jokes, and seemed to have lots in common.”

By the end of the date, the pair exchanged a quick hug and said, “Take care, bye!” But unfortunately, he didn’t suggest a second date or ask to see her again.

No Messages

“I’ve not heard from him since. I’m possibly clutching at straws here but maybe he thought I wasn’t interested? I was the one to end the date first and I didn’t flirt or say anything about meeting again. However part of me just thinks, if he’d been interested, I’d have a message by now.”

The post quickly blew up and received over 200 responses. Many were left wondering why she hadn’t sent him a text, others advised her not to chase a man who didn’t seem interested.

The Internet’s Advice

Meowzabubz commented, “Do not message him. Don’t ever chase a man. If he wants you, he’ll leave no room for doubt about the fact. If you chase, he might take you just because there is nothing better around at the moment.”

When KookyUmberQuoter questioned if she should ask him out, Meowzabubz responded, “Absolutely not. If he can’t even put in effort on day one, it will only get worse from there on out. Men know what they want and they will not let it slip them by. They will move mountains to get it. But men will waste your time until the thing they want comes by if you let them.”

Another person said, “You could message him but I don’t think he’s that fussed to be honest. Sorry. Dating isn’t easy, you have to persevere and not get too hung up on the dates that don’t work out.”

Mumsnet: https://www.mumsnet.com/talk/am_i_being_unreasonable/5123600-to-think-if-he-wanted-a-second-date-id-have-heard-by-now
Mirror: https://www.mirror.co.uk/lifestyle/dating/woman-told-never-chase-man-33294035